St Patrick's!

The Enchantment of Woolsworth's Rescue


Aelin's journey through The Charming Vale is met with tests of wit and magic. She remains unarmored, trusting in her robes of midnight blue and in the strength of her arcanic abilities. Although the Apprentice's Guardrobe and Mystic Sprout Staff are tempting, her current gear suffices. The Whisper of the Wave spell remains unused; her own magic is tailored for the adventure. With cleverness and skill, Aelin completes her objective without the need to engage in physical strife.

Battle Log

  • Aelin the Arcanic embarks on the task with confidence, her Arcanic Pulse ready for any unforeseen threats.
  • She encounters a group of playful forest sprites who challenge her with clever riddles. With her emerald eyes sparkling with thought, she answers each correctly, utilizing her knowledge gathered from arcane tomes.
  • The bramble maze proves tricky, but Aelin uses her intellect to observe the birds' guiding songs, finding a path through without a scratch.
  • In the depths of the maze, Aelin confronts a wayward spirit, disrupting its illusions with a powerful Arcanic Pulse and revealing the scared Woolsworth hiding behind.
  • With Woolsworth safe by her side, she retraces her steps through the maze, the lamb following her gently, enamored by Aelin's soothing presence.