St Patrick's!

The Thawing of Wintervine


Aelin's meticulous preparation and innate affinity for magic, alongside Emberling's enchanting flames, have triumphed. Utilizing her spells and the Mystic Sprout Staff beyond their limits, she's proven that heroism and intellect can overcome even the most frigid adversity.

Battle Log

  • Aelin the Arcanic stands poised, Emberling at her side, as they confront the icy grasp of the once gentle Treant, Wintervine.
  • With a flick of her wrist, Aelin summons the Apprentice's Guardrobe, its fabric billowing around her as she prepares her incantations.
  • Emberling takes flight with a flare, performing her Cinder Dance, enchanting the frostbound atmosphere with warmth and light.
  • Aelin channels the whispers of earth and water, Stone Whisper and Whisper of the Wave seamlessly weaving, their forces spiraling together to soften the biting cold.
  • The forest responds, the ice clinging to Wintervine begins to weep, droplets of water reflecting the spells' luminescence.
  • Amidst the magical assault, Wintervine stirs, the crackling of ice breaking harmony with Emberling's fiery dance.
  • With a final thrust of her Mystic Sprout Staff, Aelin directs the culmination of her power at the treant, resulting in a cascading thaw.

Aelin the Arcanic and Emberling gain 281 experience