The Ardor of Heartshaven


Amidst the whimsical chaos of Heartshaven, Aelin the Arcanic attempted to weave her magic and restore harmony, her efforts noble yet insufficient against the overpowering enchantment.

Battle Log

  • Aelin the Arcanic consulted her mystical tomes and decided to wield the Whisper of the Wave to calm the overly affectionate creatures.
  • Emberling the Emberling distracted enamored squirrels with her Cinder Dance, leaving them in awe rather than chaos.
  • Aelin struggled as the Apprentice's Guardrobe proved to be less protective than her usual attire when faced with the fervor of lovestruck badgers.
  • Although Aelin chanted incantations perfectly, Stone Whisper wasn't potent enough to counter the enchantment's full breadth.

Aelin the Arcanic and Emberling gain 240 experience