St Patrick's!

Elk Echoes in Meadowhaven Grove

Token 4

Level 2


Welcome to Meadowhaven Grove! A tranquil realm where adventurers are tasked with a simple yet noble quest of rescuing the cherished Willowwind Elk, known for their magical antlers and delicate demeanor. These creatures have been scared off into the deeper woods by a mischievous sprite. Players must use gentleness and caution to navigate the sun-dappled forest paths and find the elk, all the while solving environmental puzzles that lead them through the verdant beauty of this beginners' paradise.


Welcome to Meadowhaven Grove! A tranquil realm where adventurers are tasked with a simple yet noble quest of rescuing the cherished Willowwind Elk, known for their magical antlers and delicate demeanor. These creatures have been scared off into the deeper woods by a mischievous sprite. Players must use gentleness and caution to navigate the sun-dappled forest paths and find the elk, all the while solving environmental puzzles that lead them through the verdant beauty of this beginners' paradise.

Discovered by Aelin the Arcanic